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HOPE's Programs & Initiatives

HOPE has a number of community and youth focused programs, as well as initiatives that promote foundations of health, wellness, and healing.

Just Us Girls Program

An initiative to bring young mothers together and provide a safe space to address social determinants of health. Our objective is to motivate and enhance parenting skills and necessities through mentorship, support, and innovative strategies that attract the targeted generation in such uncertain times. Our youth have experienced the process of motherhood, but are in no way equipped nor prepared to handle the responsibilities of immediate parenting. Through our access to services and resources, teen moms learn to grow and build.

Wilmington nonprofit hosts program for teen mothers - WWAY article, 04/03/2022

Queen Sista Program

A program to inspire leadership and etiquette among young ladies in our community, with a vision to enhance resilience and enrich confidence, as well as providing life long skills to conquer all barriers and obstacles with a willful and positive mindset. We want young ladies to learn about the world in a fun and safe environment.

Martial Science Health & Wellness Program (with Shihan White Owl)

Every Saturday morning at 10:00 AM, our resident martial science professor uses his more than 50 years of experience to instruct participants in the art of QiGong for physical, mental, and spiritual wellness.

This training is open to anyone who is interested, and Master Shihan only requests that participants consider donating to help grow the program.

Health & Wellness Initiative

HOPE's Health, Wellness, and Healing Essentials initiative seeks to improve lives through promotion of good nutrition and using the principles of B.M.A.H.S with a focus on dietary habits and the arts.



Breathing exercises are an ideal way to relieve stress, in that they are fast, simple, free, and can be performed by just about anyone, anywhere, virtually anytime.


Exercise can be an extremely effective stress reliever in several ways: as an outlet for frustration, working off stress hormones, as a distraction, and for looking good, which builds self-esteem, social support, family cohesion, and increased health.

Affection, Awareness, Attitude

Affection releases dopamine, which is a hormone that flows through the body and central nervous system and repairs, rebuilds, and provides positive feelings.

Awareness: Prevention is the best medicine. Being aware of the origins and impacts of stress helps to manage stress.

Attitude: How you perceive the world determines your response to the experiences you have in the world. A positive attitude builds resiliency during hard times.


It is hard to believe that something as simple as drinking enough water can help manage anxiety and stress. Water plays such an important role in how our bodies function. All of our organs, including our brain, need water to work properly. If we are dehydrated, our body is strained and we can become overly stressed and edgy.


Music brings great health and stress benefits, as do nature sounds (ocean, birds chirping, waterfalls, rain, children laughing, etc.), tone of voice, sleep, and prayer.


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